In one sentence or less

We sum up each others lives in one sentence or less,
Their failings are the most interesting aspect of their lives,
We want to dish the dirt,
The scandal,
That friendly guy you just met?
His wife left him,
That girl who served us coffee?
She used to be an alcoholic,
One mean little sentence to sum up an entire life,
Like a jaded tabloid reporter focusing on what
sells papers,
Who cares how long ago it was?
Who cares if your version is inaccurate?
And how we bristle when it’s done to us.

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About the author

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I have previously been published in the following UK and international magazines: Rollingstone, Revolver, Loaded, Kerrang!, Metal Hammer, The Metro newspaper, Got a question answered in Dr Ozzy book, a regular in the profanisaurus pages of Viz and his poetry has also been read on the radio.