The man who was going to kill himself

The man who was going to kill himself washed his cup at work,
Otherwise they would just let the remains of his final
drink stagnate.
Like his life.
The man who was going to kill himself sat back at his desk
and looked around at the idiots who thought they were
Still alive.
The man who was going to kill himself turned off his computer
and left early,
Knowing that he would not have to make up the time,
The man who was going to kill himself walked by the
reception desk,
“Have a good weekend, see you on Monday” said the receptionist,
The man who was going to kill himself just smiled,
Knowing that he wouldn’t be alive on Monday,
He would be somewhere,
But not here.
The man who was going to kill himself caught the bus home,
To where it was going to happen,
He poured a large scotch and looked at the bottle of pills,
They rattled as he rolled the jar in his hand,
They would find him days later,
Slumped there in that chair,
Or on the floor,
Dead as a doornail,
The man who was going to kill himself took the lid from the
Jar and poured the pills into his hand,
They looked like mints,
He inhaled,
A dog barked in a nearby garden,
A T.V played loudly next door,
He exhaled,
The man who was going to kill himself changed his mind.

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About the author

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I have previously been published in the following UK and international magazines: Rollingstone, Revolver, Loaded, Kerrang!, Metal Hammer, The Metro newspaper, Got a question answered in Dr Ozzy book, a regular in the profanisaurus pages of Viz and his poetry has also been read on the radio.