Irony festival

Life is an irony festival,
Problems are not problems,
A fuss about nothing,
A mountain out of a mole hill,
A few things can really stop you in your tracks,
The rest is just petty bullshit
That doesn’t matter,
I watch these fools and cannot suppress my laughter,
They things they say and the way they act
Defies logic,
They don’t get the joke,
They don’t realise how unintentionally
Funny they are,
Life is hard but they make it harder
Because they are too mature,
But they are not mature,
Their cool posing and actions
Deprive them of a lot of fun,
So grown up,
So false,
So pathetic,
They except their miserable lives because
They are stupid,
But life must be enjoyed,
You might not be here long,
These serious conformist nothings
Are great comics in a sad way,
For them,
Their lives are empty,
They pretend but it’s obvious that they’re
not happy,
Their happiness is conditional,
But the conditions are too rigid,
They have missed the point,
You have to be able to laugh at
Yourself as well as at other people,
We are all fools for one reason or
We all talk a lot of shit,
None of us really knows what the
Fuck we’re doing,
We all end up looking stupid,
Enjoy life in the present,
One moment at a time,
Don’t get so tense,
Don’t get so paranoid,
It’s a waste of time because
No one gives a shit,
See the funny side,
Enjoy life’s irony festival.

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About the author

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I have previously been published in the following UK and international magazines: Rollingstone, Revolver, Loaded, Kerrang!, Metal Hammer, The Metro newspaper, Got a question answered in Dr Ozzy book, a regular in the profanisaurus pages of Viz and his poetry has also been read on the radio.